Tuesday, November 26, 2019
IMF essays
IMF essays The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was created to promote international monetary cooperation; to facilitate the expansion and balanced growth of international trade; to promote exchange stability; to assist in the establishment of a multilateral system of payments; to make its general resources temporarily available to its members experiencing balance of payments difficulties under adequate safeguards; and to shorten the duration and lessen the degree of lack of equilibrium in the international balances of payments of members. On December 27, 1945, the IMF was established at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, held at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. At its birth, it was to oversee stability in international monetary affairs and to facilitate the expansion of world trade. Also created to aid these purposes was the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank). Both were specialized agencies of the United Nations, and membership in the World Bank required countries to first be members of the IMF. The World Bank was given control over long-term financing for nations in need, while the IMFs responsibility was to monitor exchange rates, provide short-term financing for balance of payments adjustments, provide a forum for discussion about international monetary concerns, and give technical assistance to member countries. The Fund's legal authority is based on an international treaty called the Articles of Agreement that came into force in December 1945. The first Article in the Agreement outlines the purposes of the Fund and, although the Articles have been amended three times in the course of the last 47 years prior to 1998, the first Article has never been altered. The beginning of the IMF can be traced to March 1st 1947 where it first began its financial operations. Between 1947 and 1948 drawings were made on fund reserves by eleven countries an ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
3 Parts of a Nucleotide and How They Are Connected
3 Parts of a Nucleotide and How They Are Connected Nucleotides are the building blocks of the DNA and RNA used as genetic material. Nucleotides also are used for cell signaling and to transport energy throughout cells. You may be asked to name the three parts of a nucleotide and explain how they are connected or bonded to each other. Heres the answer for both DNA and RNA. Nucleotides in DNA and RNA Both deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) are made up of nucleotides which consist of three parts: Nitrogenous BasePurines and pyrimidines are the two categories of nitrogenous bases. Adenine and guanine are purines. Cytosine, thymine, and uracil are pyrimidines. In DNA, the bases are adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C). In RNA, the bases are adenine, thymine, uracil, and cytosine,Pentose SugarIn DNA, the sugar is 2-deoxyribose. In RNA, the sugar is ribose. Both ribose and deoxyribose are 5-csrbon sugars. The carbons are numbered sequentially, to help keep track of where groups are attached. The only difference between them is that 2-deoxyribose has one less oxygen atom attached to the second carbon.Phosphate GroupA single phosphate group is PO43-. The phosphorus atom is the central atom. One atom of oxygen is connected to the 5-carbon in the sugar and to the phosphorus atom. When phosphate groups link together to form chains, as in ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the link looks like O-P-O-P-O-P-O, with two additional oxygen atom attached to each phosphorus, one on either side of the atom. ​Although DNA and RNA share some similarities, they are built from slightly different sugars, plus there is a base substitution between them. DNA uses thymine (T), while RNA uses uracil (U). Both thymine and uracil bind to adenine (A). How Are the Parts of a Nucleotide Connected or Attached? The base is attached to the primary or first carbon. The number 5 carbon of the sugar is bonded to the phosphate group. A free nucleotide may have one, two, or three phosphate groups attached as a chain to the 5-carbon of the sugar. When nucleotides connect to form DNA or RNA, the phosphate of one nucleotide attaches via a phosphodiester bond to the 3-carbon of the sugar of the next nucleotide, forming the sugar-phosphate backbone of the nucleic acid.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Home Automation Lightning Motion Sensor and Zigbee Wireless Essay
Home Automation Lightning Motion Sensor and Zigbee Wireless - Essay Example Most presence detectors have an inbuilt light sensor (lux) that will turn off the lights if there is sufficient natural light. Regulating lights with a presence detector may save up to 65% of the total cost spent on lighting energy (CP Electronics, 2013). How the system works Presence detectors also known as PIR (Passive Infra-Red) work on a principle similar to that applied in motion detectors. These devices log the thermal radiations of their environments or area under detection. When thermal radiation in the area is detected, for example, in the case of a person coming close to the sensor, the detector will convert these vibrations into measurable electrical signals which will then turn on the lights. Presence detectors utilised in controlling lighting assist in the continuous adjustment of the output of faint lighting systems. This functionality facilitates management of energy saves costs over the conventional switching systems. Presence detectors provide an automatic hands-off lighting system that combines user comfort with an optimum energy consumption (Theben, 2011). Belkin's new device called WeMo makes home automation simpler. According to the company manufacturers, the device allows the user to control home-entertainment and other applications using iOS devices. Belkin's WeMo system incorporates a number of devices that are linked to the users Wi-Fi network. The system can then be managed by an iPad app or WeMo iPhone. Unlike other home automation systems, WeMo is entirely modular, and the user can add more nodes to increase its effectiveness (Linked in, 2013). How WeMo works The WeMo Switch and WeMo Motion are the present WeMo devices that exist today. The WeMo Switch is plugged into a wall outlet and serves as a remote-controlled socket that turns connected devices on or off according to the user’s command. The WeMo Motion device is also plugged into a wall socket, and has a 6-foot power cord which links to a motion sensor. Both the WeMo Mot ion and WeMo Switch are linked to the wireless network of the user, and the WeMo iOS app detects these components automatically. Various home appliances can be connected by plugging them into the WeMo Switch. The appliances connected to the WeMo Switch can then be turned on or off using iOS app available in the system. Therefore, the WeMo Switch allows the user to check if certain household appliances have been turned off in order to avoid the requirement of running an entire home check. The WeMo Switches have power buttons that replace the switch on the wall socket. WeMo Switch Setup The WeMo is not available officially, but its setup is a breeze. Once turned on, the isolated WeMo device creates a wireless network named as WeMo-XXX, where XXX is the device’s ID number. The next step involves connecting the iPad or iPhone to the network, and a free WeMo app is initiated. The WeMo app will then detect the primary Wi-Fi network and pull the required data configuration automatic ally. The WeMo app will also ask for a Wi-Fi password to ensure the user’s network is secured. The device collects additional configuration information necessary for its operations and then links to the wireless network. In addition to the ability to remotely switch domestic devices on and off, the principal selling point of the WeMo system is its simplicity of deployment. The WeMo Switch will also come at an affordable cost of about $50, according to the company reports (Honeywell, 2013).Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Indonesian Position Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Indonesian Position Report - Essay Example The RC/RC Climate Centre and the global amalgamation of the Red Cross/Red Crescent (IFRC) distinguish this conference as an imperative venture to champion the government and other stakeholders about the significance in addressing the detrimental effects of climate change on the defencelessness of the people around the world, precisely in embryonic countries and what necessitates, to be the global adaptation support strategy. Duval-Smith, Alex. (2005). Ecological anomalies are frequently pointed out as a prominent example of issues transcending national borders which relatively demands international and political coordination. 1This prompts environmental consciousness that should be integrated within the social fabric of the society in mobilizing relentless for environmental conservations stipulated by the UNFCCC. Besides this enormous outcry, latest surge on globalization has still been centred on national issues where national actors or institutions have been targeted. Indonesian government has vowed to support the composite projecting by pumping in $10 million that is issued in three trances. The scientific assistance is evident throughout these phases. This monetary juncture will support the GEF's objective in plummeting the risks of climate transformation by avoiding imperative methane gas production from the decomposition of organic dissipate in landfills and the consequential emission of greenhouse gas. These remunerations will be achieved by transforming the organic division of the solid waste torrent to agricultural manure, rather than trucking it to and discarding it in landfills. Tonne for tonne, a 20- fold decrease in GHG emissions can be achieved if the organic wastes are degraded aerobically. Rogers, Paul (2004). The Background of the UNFCC In the direction of the end of the second last decade of the last century, World Meteorological organisation (WMO) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) time-honoured the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change, as a reply to growing scientific and well structured methodological concerns on climate change. Climatic anomaly was first discovered in 1990 by the IPCC's first report, it nevertheless, emphasised that human actions probably played a causative role, noticeably adding to the natural process already taking place. The fourth Analysis was produced in this years June report; the report outlined that it's now unequivocal that the climatic changes are on a rampage and the probability of this happenings is blamed on the human activities. Myriad aspects of excessive whether all round the world are already shifting. United Nation in the early nineties organised for a conference on the Environment and Development (the Earth Summit). 2At this conference governments agreed on the Uni ted Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Convention was signed and later ratified by 192 countries and thus enjoys universal membership. These countries that had approved concurrently ratified the UNFCCC have since been convening as from 1995 under the umbrella of the Conference of parties (COP). Graced with the presence by all members; these meetings are the highest verdict-making influence of the conference. Penny, C (2005). They have been conduits that have been used to
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Hear My Cry Essay Example for Free
Hear My Cry Essay Big Ma took Stacey, T. J. and Cassie to Strawberry to the market and also to take T. J. to the Barnetts Mercantile. While they were in the market field Cassie pointed out to Big Ma that they were all the way at the end of the field and no-one would be able to see them. The white peoples wagons were right at the front and if anyone wanted to come to the Logans wagon, by the time they got there they would have bunions on their soles and corns on their toes. Additionally in Strawberry, when Cassie was in the Barnetts Mercantile Mr Barnett was taking a long time to see to T. J. s list. He kept on going to help white people and then came back and didnt even put in another item when he started to help a little white girl. When Cassie saw this she became slightly angry and thought Mr. Barnett had forgotten about T. J. s list. Cassie went to tell Mr. Barnett of T. J. s list and tugged at his sleeve. He recoiled and told her to wait. Then she got even angrier and told him that he had taken ages for their turn. Thats when Mr Barnett screamed, Whose little nigger is this? Stacey dragged Cassie out of the store and told her to shush. Mr Barnett was not being fair to the children and was treating them horribly. Once Cassie was outside she accidently bumped into Lillian Jean. She didnt want to create a fuss so when Lillian Jean asked her to apologize she did. But Lillian Jean wanted more; so she ordered Cassie into the road. Of course Cassie wasnt going to do that. When Lillian Jean went to grab Cassies arm, Cassie pulled it back but someone caught it and held it tight so it hurt. This was Mr Simms. He shoved her into the road and Cassie fell on her bottom. He told her to listen to Lillian Jean when she asked Cassie to get in the road. He asked her to apologize and Cassie said she had. When Mr Simms jumped into the road Cassie got really scared and thought her would hit her but he didnt. Then she got up and ran to the wagon but somebody caught her, it was Big Ma. Then Big Ma told Cassie to apologize but Cassie still argued. Once again Big Ma told her and this time Cassie did. But Mr Simms demanded her to say Miz before his daughters name. And with a painful tear Cassie did. You can tell how upset she was because in the book it says; No day in all my life had been as cruel as this one. Lastly, in the final chapters T. J. had become friends with R. W. and Melvin. But the Simms boys used this to their advantage. They would laugh behind T. J. s back but not in front of him. Then one day they forced him to break into the Barnetts Mercantile and stole the pearl handle pistol. Also Mr and Mrs Barnett were left for dead. T. J. got all the blame and the Simms stood there watching when the Wallaces came for T. J. , T. J. got sent to jail and was to go to court while the Simms boys were left free. In conclusion, all white people had superiority over the black community. They didnt treat them with respect, except a few (example; Jeremy and Mr Jamison). Blacks had to call white people Miss or Mr. And white people made the law not blacks. They could hang a black for any reason, or no reason at all and no questions were asked. Black people were treated unfairly and unjustly. Saimah Sarwar 10a English GCSE Coursework Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mildred Taylor section.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
New World Travelers: Similar Themes But Different Purposes In Travel W
Travel writers or adventurers all write pieces that deal with the same premise: the discovery and experience of the New World. However, in their writing, it is evident that there is an ulterior motive in mind. These motives or purposes can be classified in two broad categories: to persuade people to come to the new world and to warn people of the dangers they may encounter in the new world. It is easy to explore these themes by paying particular attention a couple of notorious writers: Christopher Columbus, Bartolome De Las Casas, and John Smith. When reading pieces by writers involved in the exploration and settlement on the new world, it is important to keep in mind the audience they were targeting. These pieces were not published in America, but rather were transmitted in Europe, published and read by a widespread European audience. Additionally, these travelers were paid by the government to propagandize the new world and entice readers to want to visit or settle there. With that in place, it is easy to understand how a major purpose for travel writers would be to advertise the new world. Christopher Columbus's letters were considered one of the first reports of the New World. Columbus landed in the West Indies but thought that he was in India. He portrays his surroundings with a conquistador mentality, in that he says the people are savages, and he has taken command of them and they admire him greatly. In "Letter to Luis de Santagel Regarding the First Voyage", he talks about the richness and beauty of the New World using very descriptive imagery and planting the picture of natural abundance in the readers mind. He describes the land, the mountains, the terrain, the animals, birds, and people in such a mann... ... the Christian against the native. His writing reads as a preaching, making it seem like propaganda. Adventurers and travel writers all wrote works with differences in focus, theme and scope, but in the case of Smith, Columbus, and De Las Casas, the themes were similar, even if the purpose behind the argument was different. Works Cited Baym, Nina, ed. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc, 2003. Columbus, Christopher. "Letter to Luis de Santangel Regarding the First Voyage (February 15, 1493)." Baym 34-36. Las Casas, Bartolome. "The Very Brief Relation of the Devastation of the Indies." Baym 39-40. Smith, John. "A Description of New England." Baym 114-118. Smith, John. "The General history of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles." Baym 105-114.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
An analyses on Mount Franklin Market Positioning Strategy Essay
1. Introduction Water is the fountain of all life and is a prime need of the body. Over 60 percent of our body weight is made up of water. In Australia, most people are drinking tapped water directly at home, but while traveling or eating out in restaurants, buying bottled water has become one of the most popular choices This need has been well explored by some beverage producers, both local and overseas. So today there are various brands of drinking water in Australian market. Among them, Mount Franklin’ (start from 1994) has become Australia’s favourite water brand and the most recognized. This paper focuses on studying Mount Franklin’s marketing positioning strategy by using perceptual mapping method, in order to analyse a successful brand in drinking water industry and provide recommendations for a new brand that would like to enter into this market. 2. Marketing concepts a. Market positioning Positioning can be defined as ‘†¦ the act of designing the company’s offering so that it occupies a meaningful and distinct position in the target customer’s mind.’(Jobber & Fahy, 2009) It is the final and fatal stage of the process of target marketing strategy which involves designing product features and image which are distinguishing from competitors in the existing market for the purpose of appealing to the specific target market segment. It is combined marketing strategies that result in how the organisation wants a product or brand to be perceived by the market. Positioning is directly related to brand values, market demographics and the image of the product in the marketplace. b. Perceptual mapping Perceptual mapping is a diagrammatic technique used by asset marketers that attempts to visually display the perceptions of customers or potential customers. 3. Brands introducing a. Mount Franklin Owned by Coca-Cola Amatil, Mount Franklin took the leading position in Australian bottle water market in past decade, and accounted for 20% off-trade volume sales in 2012. According to Coca-Cola’s market research, Mount Franklin water has a 99 percent brand awareness and 43 percent of females aged 25-39 say that Mount Franklin is their favourite brand. b. Mount Franklin’s market positioning strategy Mount Franklin represents and promotes an overall sense of wellbeing. Young female model Jennifer Hawkins as brand celebrity which promotes the healthy and fresh image of its product. Make the brand closely associated to the community; to this end Mount Franklin has established the Drink Positive, Think Positive, campaign. Moreover, the brand has enhanced this connection through its community partnerships with the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Make consumers feel the purchase of Mount Franklin as helping themselves and the environment by changing the package to â€Å"the easy-crush bottle†which is good for the environment as well as being similar to that of the original product. The new 600ml Mount Franklin Easy-Crush Bottle is made with 35% less plastic and has a carbon footprint which is 27% lighter than the previous bottle. Be of support to Australian economy by consuming Mount Franklin water as the local brand. c. Other brands in Australian market Along with the number one bands, there are hundreds of other drinking water brands in Australian market. Although hardly close to Mount Franklin’s leading position, some of them are making rational market share, including Pump (another drinking water brands owned by Coca-Cola), Evian, NU Pure, Mount Lofty, Coles bottled water, Woolworth bottled water, etc. 4. A perceptual map of drinking water market in Australia A perceptual map could be in two dimensions or multiple dimensions, depending on the attributes taken into consideration when analysing a target market. a. Quality As a necessity of life, quality of water is most critical attribute when people choose a bottled water. ‘Mount Franklin’ spring water is collected locally and bottled daily. It is filtered three times via micro filters, to eliminate any tiny particles naturally found in spring water. This ensures that every bottle of ‘Mount Franklin’ is of exceptional purity and quality. b. Price Drinking water, as a commercial product, its price ranks secondly important. Usually, consumers will compare the price accessible in marketplace when purchasing a product. Mount Franklin’s prices vary from store to store. In CCA vending machines the price for a 600mL bottle is $3.00, which comparably higher. c. Accessibility It is about how easily consumers could purchase a target product and make an important role in fast moving consumer goods industry including drinking water. Mount Franklin is found widely in supermarkets, convenience stores, vending machines and other vendor services e.g. petrol stations and newsagents. d. Brand awareness Consumers are more likely to choose a well-known brand when the face more than one options. As mentioned before, Mount Franklin water has a 99 percent brand awareness in Australia. e. Design and packaging Stylish design in package may attract more attention, by printing Jennifer Hawkins’ image on light sparking water bottle wrap, it is thought to be fashionable by some young people to hold a bottle of that water. f. Perceptual Mapping Technically, it is hard to draw a perceptual map by taking all these attributes into consideration. Three of them will be demonstrated in the following diagram: g. Analyse on perceptual mapping Usually, brands with high awareness in public price higher on their products, meanwhile, high quality is required to maintain the positive image in consumers. As drinking product, consumers are more likely to make decisions rely on the brand awareness. Price is also an important attribute, so the products with reasonable price also make good sales. Big brands such as Coles and Woolworth can easily develop related ancillary products by using their brands influence. 5. Conclusion As a critical strategy, positioning plays a significant role in making market decisions. As an efficient tool, perceptual mapping provides marketer a visual indication of consumers’ perception of how a brand or a product compares with its competitors. An important point should be mentioned here, the position of a brand is moveable rather than fixed. (which related another marketing process i.e. repositioning) By examining the positions regularly of their own and competitors, marketers may decide where and when necessary make a change to their position. 6. Recommendations As a new brand planning to enter into a specific market, it is an effective way of getting a related perceptual mapping to analyse the target market. It is also critical to position the brand in a reasonable way. Usually it is a wise choice for a new brand to start from the market with less competitors. Sometimes companies that are located in similar position in conceptual map might not competitors. Mount Franklin set a good example of positioning brands with social connection. 7. References David J. and John F. 2009, Foundations of marketing, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill higher Education,5: 120-122 Dong J. K., Woo G. K. and Jin S. H., A perceptual mapping mapping of online travel agencies and preference attributes. Tourist Management 28 (2007) 591-603 Liz H. and Terry O.2004, Foundation marketing, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall,6:167-169 Australia’s First Bottled Water Brand 2012, Mount Franklin, viewed 3 April 2014, http://mountfranklinwater.com.au/our-story/ Australian-bottled-water-market-led-by-Coca-Cola-s-Mount-Franklin, viewed 3 April,2014, http://www.companiesandmarkets.com/News/Food-and-Drink/Australian-bottled-water-market-led-by-Coca-Cola-s-Mount-Franklin/NI8553 Mount Franklin, Drink Positive, Think Positive, viewed 3 April 2014, http://prezi.com/yjdi190hvzko/copy-of-copy-of-copy-of-mount-franklin/
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Legitimacy Crisis Essay
I know that plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism is to use another’s work and pretend that it is one’s own. 2. I have used the â€Å"Harvard†convention for citation and referencing. Each contribution to, and quotation in, this essay/report/project from the work(s) of other people has been attributed, and has been cited and referenced. 3. This essay/report/project is my own work. 4. I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off as his or her own work. Signature: Jvanrooyn Word Count: 308 excluding in-text citations Jihad Van Rooyen. Introduction to Politics, Tutorial Group #11 12 March 2014 Assignment #3 Legitimacy Crisis Revolutions result in a ubiquitous change in society. This essay ascertains themes throwing legitimacy into crisis through an evaluation of the sources of the French, Russian and Iranian revolutions. As stipulated by Max Weber in his legitimacy crisis ideals, society functions on a moral relationship between the ruler and the ruled (Hague, Harrop & Breslin, 1992:19). Non-acceptance by the ruled would result in a regime losing its legitimacy and pave way for a political break-down. This is emphasized by John Locke in the Social Contract, where he deemed that society has no moral obligation to the regime when the contract is breached (Spragens, 1997:34). Thus, legitimacy certifies political stability and must be lost before any revolution can transpire. The French Revolution was based on the constitutional and monetary crises, which lead to instability. Thus through the failure of the regime to meet demands, legitimacy was lost and a secular revolution followed (Hague, Harrop & Breslin, 1992:72). Relative deprivation was an immediate by-factor, clearly evident through the revolts against the structural conditions, which ultimately abolished absolute monarchy in France (Hague, Harrop & Breslin, 1992:74). Similarly to the French revolution, the Russian overthrowing of the old political system proved easier than consolidating power (Hague, Harrop & Breslin, 1992:79), especially after both revolutions were influenced by the regime’s spending on warfare. Both revolutions involved peasants uprising, owing to hunger, poverty and social inequality. The Tsar was not able to meet the demands of the citizens and in so doing lost credibility. In contrast, Iran’s old regime had not been ravaged by warfare nor had it suffered monetary failure, prior to its revolution (Hague, Harrop & Breslin, 1992:79). The revolution was a religious affair against the regime. Like the previous two revolutions, expectations amongst the people were not met by the regime. In conclusion, when a regime doesn’t fulfill its moral obligation to the people or if they do not meet the expectation of the citizens, relative deprivation could occur which could ultimately result in illegitimacy and a revolution.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
House On Mango Street Essays (269 words) - Free Essays, Term Papers
House On Mango Street Essays (269 words) - Free Essays, Term Papers House On Mango Street Close Reading Darius & the Clouds Page 33-34 In the chapter Darius & the Clouds Sandra Cineros uses descriptive language and metaphors to engage the reader in the story. In this chapter the general theme of freedom is also exhibited when the author talks about Darius and also talks about the sky. The sky in this chapter represents the theme of freedom. The sky is used as a metaphor to describe freedom and how there are no boundaries and there is no limit. You can also not have enough freedom and never get sick of having freedom. This is shown in the first paragraph where it says, You can never have too much sky. You can fall asleep and wake up drunk on sky, and sky can keep you safe when you are sad. Another theme that is portrayed in this chapter is the theme of sadness and emptiness. Throughout the story all of the characters have something that they wish they had more of and for many of the characters, especially the women, what they want is freedom. This theme is used as a metaphor similar to how sky was used. It said, Here there is too much sadness and not enough sky. Butterflies too are few and so are flowers and most things that are beautiful. This shows that all of the characters wish that they had a little more in their lives. Throughout this chapter Sandra Cisneros uses different metaphors and common themes to keep the reader interested. The sky witch represents freedom is one of these common themes that are used.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Guide on Writing a Research Paper Outline
Guide on Writing a Research Paper Outline Guide on Writing a Research Paper Outline A research paper is one of the most difficult assignments both at high school and college, so you need to be ready to face various challenges along the way. This type of a paper requires your full attention and time devotion, as you need to use various scientific tools, mathematical methods, statistics and other instruments to back your ideas and put your thoughts on the paper. That is why creating an outline is a crucial part of any research paper and requires a thoughtful approach. It is a sort of a skeleton of your paper, as it will greatly help you to remember all the things you wanted to include to your work. In addition, you will be more relaxed after dividing your work into smaller parts and will be able to concentrate on different questions every day. An outline will always be helpful in meeting the deadlines, as you will have a clear picture of how many sections you still need to complete by a certain date and won’t have to worry about missing anything! Useful tips on a proper outline structure It doesn’t matter whether you need to complete an outline on a Medieval history or on a space invasion: your outline structure will remain the same. This means that you won’t have to puzzle over a proper structure depending on the subject and after remembering all the details, you will always be able to complete an outline without any difficulties. Any outline consists of three main parts: Introduction; Body of the paper; Conclusions. However, you shouldn’t think that it is as easy, as A-B-C, because every of these parts contains a huge volume of information and it should be arranged in a proper way. Your introduction section can be called a business card of your whole work, so you need to be very thoughtful and attentive, when completing it. After reading your introduction, the reader will make up his mind whether to go on reading. That is why your main aim is to catch interest of the audience and provide it with such details, as the thesis statement, main information, specific terms and additional details on the subject. The body of your whole work is the biggest section of the whole paper, which requires a lot of time and attention to the details. Don’t forget to include various paragraphs to emphasize different topics. This section should also include methodology, which explains the research you have conducted, the methods you have used and the questions you have answered. Remember to write down the main goals of your research (which should also be included to your introduction section). Every research paper is based on a serious analysis of different sources and materials, so you should remember to add a list of used sources. Don’t forget to quote the literature to support your research and try to show that you have mastered various tools of looking for a necessary information. However, include only relevant and academic sources, avoiding forums and social media pages. After you have written the methodology and literature sections, you need to remember to add data and analysis information. Here you need to describe the results of your research and any other details, which you have obtained throughout the assignment. The best way to complete this section is to use graphs and tables for a clearer understanding of the topic. Close this part with the main advantages and disadvantages of the research. When the body section is completed, it is time to write down the conclusions. Here you don’t need to provide new details and simply should summarize everything you have written about in your research paper. Include a thesis statement to your conclusions and try to make predictions for the future, providing fresh ideas on the topic. Useful advice One of the best parts of any research paper is the fact that most of the times you can choose a topic on your own. In such a way, you will always stay motivated and write on the things that really matter. For example, you can complete a research on an artificial intelligence, rain forests or modern trends and give a fresh look on any topic. Not depending on the topic you choose, your outline will look like a list of the main ideas you want to include to your research paper. It should be short and contain all the key words to let you remember the question and your main ideas on the topic. After finishing a certain paragraph, just cross it out and you will never be confused what to write about! Research paper outline examples Thesis: Is modern educational system ready to give students all the social skills for their adult lives? Introduction to the topic, thesis statement; Methodology; Overview of the literature you have used in your research; Importance of the topic and its influence on the society. The main body should contain: Information on the background of your issue History of the development of US educational system; Modern educational approaches in various states. Positive aspects of the topic: Remembering that education is affordable and accessible for each and every one; Mentioning that modern educational system is able to cope with the most difficult problems, becoming a second home for many students; Schools become bridges of communication and interaction for a healthy social life in future. Negative aspects of school’s impact on the personality: Main problems students have to face, including bullying, discrimination and so on; A high level of competition, which often leads to problems between students, low self-esteem or even suicides. Final thoughts should consist of your conclusions and final words on the topic. Conclusions should contain analysis of all the information and repetition of your thesis statement. Final words need to provide your recommendations for the future and the way your research can be applied on practice. Thesis:  Birth control: pros and cons. Your outline should consist of the following sections: Introduction to the topic; A list of medical or any other specific terms and their description for the readers to be able to understand your research; Theoretical background of your paper; Methodology and tools used throughout the paper; Thesis statement; Literature overview; Relevance of the topic, its importance for the society. The main body should contain: Information on the background of your issue: A historical background of birth control, main aspects and issues across the world; Position of various institutions on the subject, including government, church and others; Information on the tools and methods that are used to control birth in the US. Alternative methods; Advantages and disadvantages of birth control. Final section should consist of: Conclusions with a brief analysis of all the obtained information on the subject and rewritten thesis statement; Final thoughts on the problem. Here you need to make a prognosis for the future and describe how your research paper can influence the matter.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Role of Higher Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Role of Higher Education - Research Paper Example The role of higher education in changing our cultures and integration can be addressed in different perspectives. Globalization is the description of the new changes, ideas and developments that are coming up to change and improve peoples’ cultures, politics, businesses and generally the way of life. It is under globalization that the society is able to utilize the global trends and take advantage of the new ideas, to plan for the future. With the emerging competition due to globalization, higher education institutions are introducing topics to help students be in line with the developing world. Societies that invent or create new products and business ideas are considered to be responsible for the future development and well being. In that case, colleges and universities are required and faced with the demand for spreading knowledge and creating entrepreneurial skills to the students and potential business merchants. It has become essential for universities to develop cultures that are beneficial to the market trends, a demand that has also led to competition among universities. This creates a very competitive environment, with each institution striving to find unique and quality skills. All higher education institutions have a vision. It is in every culture of every society to have a vision, for the present and future generations. All the great and international universities let the world know their future plans, or vision, especially about what they intend to develop for the benefit of the society. The higher education institutions have the role of preparing and enlightening the society and their students, about the opportunities, changes and effects that come as a result of globalization. Universities and colleges also have the role of providing the market with knowledge and the workers to serve and develop the world. Transformation involves developing from the ancients or past ways of doing things and from
Friday, November 1, 2019
SRD Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
SRD - Assignment Example While a resume website provides me with the potential of targeting any web user, the website targets potential employees. In particular, my resume website targets employers in the business sector since my competencies are suited to this specific job environment. The resume website will provide me with the creative freedom that I need to express my personality, which is not possible through the conventional resume. In this case, I will ensure that every detail of the website from my bio to the design option I select says something about me and communicates my personality to potential employees. Besides, every detail of the website will pass the message that I take my career seriously. The different categories of information will start with the homepage. On this category, I will provide my extended professional summary. The other category will include the resume category, which will communicate the specifics of my resume with different subcategories such as my work experience, education qualifications, and skills. The website will also inform the target audience of the different ways in which they could connect with me either via a social networking site or through email. First, the resume website communicates my competencies and background to potential employees. Besides, it provides a record of accomplishment of my life, and the activities that I have engaged in that would help me fit in the job market and help an organization achieve its objectives. The resume website will also control my branding. While a resume presents an excellent opportunity to present my experiences, it fails to provide an opportunity for presenting a future that I would want hiring managers to see. Therefore, the resume website will present me as a brand, and not just presenting me as who I was, but whom I envisage on becoming. The website resume will also include my philosophy on life.
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