Monday, January 27, 2020
How Joseph Nicéphore contributed to the early development of photography.
How Joseph Nicà ©phore contributed to the early development of photography. How Joseph Nicà ©phore contributed to the early development of photography. Born Joseph Nià ©pce March 7th 1765, Nià ©pce developed Heliography, a process of printing, which then lead on to the creation of world oldest surviving product of a photography process. A military veteran and previous teacher, Nià ©pce found a passion for inventing working alongside his older brother Claude, during their time working together they made many successful inventions including; The pyrà ©ophore: the world’s first internal combustion engine for propelling boats. Therefor photography wasn’t his first interest and he spent almost 20 years with his brother Claude promoting and improving The Pyrà ©ophore, which then resulted in Claude moving to England. During this time the only time to capture a moment was by using a Camera Obscura, a device which consists of a box or a room with a hole in one side. Light from an external scene then passes through the hole and strikes a surface inside the box where it is reproduced rotated 180 degrees but with the colour perspective preserved. The image then could be projected on the paper in which then it can be traced using a steady hand and patience. Nicà ©phore used this method many times but felt he did not have the skilful hand in drawing to pursue this method effectively. Then during 1813 the invention of Lithography swept France, Lithography was a printing process in which it used an image drawn with oil, fat, or wax onto the surface of a smooth lithographic limestone plate. The stone was treated with a mixture of acid and gum Arabic, etching the proportions of the stone which were not protected by the grease-based image. When the stone is subsequently moistened, these etched areas retained water; an oil-based ink could then be applied and would be repelled by the water, sticking only to the original. The ink would then finally be transferred to a blank paper sheet, producing a printed page. This method was made from the concept of oil and water being unable to mix. This new craze then caught Nicà ©phore’s attention after there being many inventors who trialled and tested the camera obscura and finding a way to reproduced and image without having to drawing it yourself. Nicà ©phore trailed the use of lithography with the camera obsucra for six years until he finally came up with Heliography. Heliography is a process which uses Bitumen of Judea, a naturally occurring asphalt, as a coating on glass or metal, the glass or metal is the inserted into the camera obscura in place where the light will come through the hole. It hardens in proportion to its exposure to light, when the plate is washed with oil of lavender only the hardened areas remained, producing a photo printed on the glass or metal. After mastering this process Nicà ©phore travelled to England in 1827 to visit his older brother Claude, there he was introduced to Francis Bauer, a noted botanist, who recognised the importance of Nicà ©phore and encouraged him to write about his invention of heliography. Bauer then went on to help Nicà ©phore in producing his work by providing introductions to present his paper and heliographs to the Royal Society. All of the specimens in which Nicà ©phore referred to as ‘Les Premiers’, were rejected and returned to him because he chose not to fully disclose his process. After this Nicà ©phore returned to Le Gras continuing his experiments, in 1829 he agreed to a ten year partnership with Louis Jacques Mandà © Daguerre to help develop his work. Nicà ©phore continued with his experiments hoping for recognition and success with heliography. During this time both Nicà ©phore and Daguerre were working together to create Daguerreotype, a printing process which devel oped from heliography. Daguerreotype is made by coating a copper plate with a silver iodide and being exposed to light in the camera obscura, the copper plate is then fumed with a mercury vapour and fixed by a solution of salt, forming a permanent image. The first image produced using the Daguerreotype was in 1837, by which time Nicà ©phore had died, so it was a name in which Daguerre took. Daguerreotype then became very commercialised and shadowed Nicà ©phore and his progression with Heliography to form Daguerreotype due to his partner taking most of the credit. Even though Daguerre went on to name the process and get the profit, without Nicà ©phore the process wouldn’t have even existed for Daguerre to succeed in. The early development of photography was created and pioneered by many people, it was almost as if every single inventor put their own input into the creation of photography. Nicephore was inspired by Lithography invented by Alois Senefelder and The Camera Obscura invented by Alhazen from this Nicephore then shared his passion and influenced his parted Daguerre who then went on to inspire and develop more methods of photography to the point were at today. It is still being debated now upon who in fact took the first photograph, it is stated throughout Geoffrey Batchen’s â€Å"burning with desire; the concept of photography†in chapter four that there is many possibilities into which the first ever photograph was and who was the photographer. The pictures promise more stable evidence for the point of origin to the history of the medium, but historians have offered very little detail analysis of the images at issue so there is no exact date upon what photo or what process was first. Nicephore is mentioned and his photographs are analysed within this chapter, it describes the trials he went through to get to the creation of heliography and the photos and prints that still remain to this day. The one photo that was spoke about the most was his â€Å"View from the window at Le Gras 1827,†it speaks about how they tried to reproduce this photo but failed due to the ‘foundation stone’ being impossible to rep roduce, it was then sent to Kodak Research Laboratory where they produced what Gernsheim describes as a â€Å"greatly distorted image which no way corresponded with the original. A travesty of the truth.†Consequently Gernsheim then went on to touch up this copy for two days with water colour abolishing hundreds of light spots and blotches and giving the image a â€Å"pointillistic effect†that he admits is completely unfamiliar to the medium. He reassured the people that it was only an estimate of the original and it was similar to the drawing that he has made before any of the reproductions had even existed. This image then went on to feauture in his ‘The photographic journal’ in 1952; it appears as â€Å"the world’s earliest photograph†in his The Origins of photography 1982. The same reproduction of the photo and claim also appear in a vast number of more recent histories of photography. Even though the Daguerreotype overshadowed Nicà ©phore’s hard work and determination with heliography at the time, he is still remembered today to be a pioneer and inventor in photography, and for him to still be looked back on today proves how much of and influence he was to our world. Without his determination and curiosity we wouldn’t have the ability to capture and keep a moment or share it with the world and potentially pursue and career in the profession. BBC GCSE Physics The invention of photography by Nicephore Niepce. 2014. BBC GCSE Physics The invention of photography by Nicephore Niepce. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 8th November 2014 heliography YouTube. 2014. heliography YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11th November 2014]. History of photography: Nià ©pce pictures. 2014. History of photography: Nià ©pce pictures. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11th November 2014]. Joseph Nicà ©phore Nià ©pce: The First Photograph. 2014. Joseph Nicà ©phore Nià ©pce: The First Photograph. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 8th November 2014]. Geoffrey Batchen (1999). Burning With Desire: The Conception Of Photography. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Cambridge, Mass. : The MIT Press. p120-p127.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cinema
Recreation is as much necessary for healthy growth as work. Life will be dull and unpleasant if there is no occasional amusement to cheer it up. Therefore, from the earliest limes recreation in different forms has been introduced in healthy and civilized society. Dance, drama, singing, puppet show and various other forms of entertainment have found favour with the people. Today life of man has grown complex, full of worries, cares and anxieties. The mechanized Way of life has bred monotony, therefore his modes of entertainment have also undergone revolutionary change. The latest and the most popular form of recreation is Cinema.Its phenomenal popularity and development is due to its mass appeal and that it is well within the financial limitation of common man. The people belonging to different walks of life patronize it and find it equal to their varied Interests. The power or the motion pictures as an instrument of culture and education is immeasurable. We know that a motion picture based on a classical novel will induce thousands of people to read Or reread the book; the introduction of a classical composition into the picture stimulates the demand for recording of that composition. Lessons of history, geography and everyday science life imparted through it. Associated essay: Pestle Analysis – Odeon CinemaThe man of today is better informed than his ancestors due to cinema. Thus they give food for thought and imagination to the common people by showing on the screen grand objects ; sublime beauties and epoch-making events. The great personalities of former times come to life and their message is communicated to the people The lives of saints and seers set high ideals before the people. They enlarge our vision and broaden our minds. FILMS DEPICT Historical, mythological and social themes bearing on Indian lives, whether of the past or the present make a special appeal to the people.The Cinema has been found to be the most effective method of exposing social evils such as dowry system, etc. Civic sense and public morality is engendered through them. The political awareness, fight for the rights and the general awakening of the masses is largely contributed by Cinema. As a means of propaganda, publicity and advertisement its services are invaluable and it must be preserved and fostered at all costs. Cinema has also thrown down the barriers of time and space. It has made man truly cosmopolitan in outlook. A grand sight in cold Norway is reproduced vividly to people in hot Africa.A political or social revolution in one part of the country is shown the world over. Moreover, it can be used as a medium for the enlighten ment of other nations about our own culture, customs, manners and policies. It has often been said that one of the potent causes of international misunderstanding, hot and cold wars, is that people of different countries do not have the means to understand and appreciate each other adequately. In this respect cinema can serve the goodwill mission of presenting the correct image of the country and the people abroad.Thus, Cinema can be used for establishing mutual international understanding and paving the way for permanent world peace. However, it cannot be neglected that they are the major single factor which earn substantial and much needed foreign exchange. Commercially also Cinema has opened up a lucrative pro fession. Besides encouraging young men and women to enter the field of acting, in has provided employment to millions of people as technicians, designers, photographers, dressmakers and various allied agencies. The artists right from the storywriter to a poster designer have found a ready market for their talent. Poets and even literary men who had been looked down upon for ages have found with Cinema a fresh lease of life and livelihood. Apart from its various advantages, Cinema is not free from its evil effects. Film artistry is, unfortunately, compelled to compro mise with people’s popular taste and appeal to their lower instincts. Too many films dealing with sex problems and with the ways of the criminals are now shown, f These are apt to affect public morality. The substandard catering of music I and recreation is likely to injure public taste and out look and is not ultimately good for the art.The Cinema has far reaching effect upon the youth of the country. The ftlms make them prematurely sex conscious and they start reacting the scenes of romantic pictures in their regular life. A sense of dissatisfaction with life is engendered among them. Vandal ism and increasing acts of rowdyism in the student community are attributed to their indiscriminately frequenting the cinema halls. Again the youth imitating all sorts of fashions from the films lead to the development of expensive tastes and manners. They grow divorced from grim and dismal realities of life and start living in the fairyland pictures on the screen.In this respect the role of Government is significantly felt. Further in India Cinema has to attain the artistic and technical perfection, Government aid by way of subsidy, helping manufacture of raw film and other equipment in the country; admission tax reduction, encouragement to talented artists and techni cians mu st be forthcoming. We must not forget that with wide range of depiction and with universality of its appeal, Cinema has tremen dous possibilities in our country. With our abundant and natural wealth and inexhaustible fund of rich literature, our Cinema, though young and unstable, its growth is inevitable.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Handle Information in Health and Social Care Settings Essay
Competent practice is a combination of the application and skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. These questions detail the knowledge and understanding required in carrying out competent practice in the performance described in the unit Learner Name: Laeticia Belle Assessor: Date: 1. Identify the legislation that relates to the recording, storage and sharing of information in health and social care? The data protection act 1998 is the main piece of legislation that governs the protection of personal data in the UK. It defines the law on processing data on people living within the United Kingdom. The data protection act is set you in eight principles: Personal data must be processed fairly and lawfully. Personal data must only be obtained for a specific and lawful purpose it shall not be processed in any manner incompatible with the purpose it was acquired for. All personal data must be adequate, relevant and not accesive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed. All personal data must not be kept for any longer than its necessary. It can only be kept for the time needed for the purpose of that information. All personal is processed in accordance with the subject rights. They have the right to have the data about themselves removed if they so wish. All personal data must be secured at all time. Appropriate technical and organisational measures must be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental lost, destruction or damage. Any personal data must not be transferred to any countries or territories outside the European economic area (EEA) without adequate protection. The freedom of information act 200: this gives individuals the right to ask organisations such as local authority, GP’s, local police all the information they have about them. They are some information that might be withheld to protect various interests which if that’s the case, the individual must be aware of it and information about individuals will be handled under the data protection act 1998. The full provision of the freedom of information act 200 came into past in January 2005 2. Explain why it is important to have secure systems for recording and storing information in a health and social care setting? It is vital to have a secure system for recording and storing information in health and social care settings so that both individuals and staffs private information will be protected from unauthorised viewing. It is the right of the individual and staff for their private information to EverGreen Academy QCF Diploma Health & Social Care level 2 Unit: CU2547 Contribute to Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Knowledge Questions Competent practice is a combination of the application and skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. These questions detail the knowledge and understanding required in carrying out competent practice in the performance described in the unit Learner Name: Nyandeng Malek Assessor: Elizabeth Ani Date: 1. Identify legislation relating to general health and safety in a health or social care work setting? 2. Describe the main points of the health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer? 3. Outline the main health and safety responsibilities 4. Identify tasks relating to health and safety that should not be carried out without special training? 5. Explain how to access additional support and information relating to health and safety? 6. Explain why it is important to assess health and safety hazards posed by the work setting or by particular activities? 7. Explain how and when to report potential health and safety risks that have been identified? 8. Explain how risk assessment can help address dilemmas between rights and health and safety concerns? 9. Describe different types of accidents and sudden illness that may occur in own work setting? 10. Outline the procedures to be followed if an accident or sudden illness should occur? 11. Identify legislation that relates to moving and handling? 12. Explain principles for moving and handling equipment and other objects safely? 13. Identify hazardous substances and materials that may be found in the work setting? 14. Describe safe practices for: storing hazardous substances? using hazardous substances? disposing of hazardous substances and materials? 15. Describe practices that prevent fires from: Starting? Spreading? 16. Outline emergency procedures to be followed in the event of a fire in the work setting? 17. Explain the importance of maintaining clear evacuation routes at all times? 18. Explain the importance of ensuring that others are aware of own whereabouts? 19. Identify common signs and indicators of stress? 20. Identify circumstances that tend to trigger own stress? 21. Describe ways to manage own stress? Learner signature: Date: Assessor signature: Date: IV signature(if sampled): Date: be protected therefore the protection of such information should be complied with the data protection act. Too protect confidentiality and ensures that information is accessible to those that needs to know, prevents identity thefts and maintain the rights of each individuals. 3. Describe how to access guidance, information and advice about handling information? There are many different ways a care assistant can access guidance, information and advice about handling information. These include induction, training, company’s policies and procedures, colleagues, individuals; codes of practice such as general social care council (GSCC). 4. Explain what actions to take when there are concerns over the recording, storing or sharing of information? When concerns are raised over the recording, storing and sharing of information it is the health care assistances duty to ensure that the issue is made aware to the senior member of staff such as the supervisor, line manager and all to colleagues. It is also the health care assistances duty to ensure that such information is recorded accurately. The service users permission or consent must be obtained in case the information has to do with their privacy. If the information poses a threat or any sort of risk to the service user for example; in the case of abuse then the information must be passed to the appropriate superiors regardless of the service users giving their consent or not but confidentiality must be ensured.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Why Government Has Implemented Policies And Developed...
California has suffered several droughts throughout the decades and is the reason why government has implemented policies and developed water management. The first drought recorded was in 1924, due to the severe drought and economic losses to the farming industry the irrigation system and large reservoirs were created to support agriculture and cities (Lund). The second drought recorded lasted six years from 1928 to 1934, at the time the construction of the Central Valley Project became the standard design of water system until 1976 (Lund). Water conservation was implemented when a devastating two year drought from 1976 to 1977 occurred (Lund). Water conservation reduced water usage by 40 percent in the major cities in California and permanent water conservation plans became established for cities(Lund). The drought from 1988 to 1992 lasted four years and raised the concern of managing water(Lund). The drought from 2007 to 2009 caused Southern California to reduced the cons umption of water from the rivers and Delta water supply(Lund ). This drought also affected the agricultural industry with the loss of approximately 21,000 job (Lund). In 2009, legislature passed a 20 percent water conservation target in the cities(Lund). The droughts that California has endured are the reason why government has taken action in implementing different methods of water distribution, conservation, and water management. At the present time 41 percent of California is inShow MoreRelatedMarket Mechanism Can Save Fish But Can They Save Climate?1642 Words  | 7 Pages2007 Reauthorization of the Magnuson Stevens Act (MSA) implemented market mechanisms, such as catch shares and individual transferable quotas (ITQs) to keep fishing at a sustainable level, as determined by the best available science. 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